Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Energy-Prayer and Forgiveness


Energy-Prayer and Forgiveness

The Heart of the Matter

Mar 14, 2011

Welcome to OneLife Ministries, an online, interspiritual-integral ministry of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi and Love Light Fellowship. This site is here to lead you into a heart experience of Divine Presence, Who is Love. We recognize “that of the Sacred in each one” and celebrate the diversity of expressions of our Oneness in Grace. We are for peace and nonviolence, and equal rights and justice for all. I hope persons of varied wisdom paths will find inspiration here. Welcome!

Arem Nahariim-Samadhi, MDiv, MFT, PhD

Vowed oblate, Greenbough House of Prayer
Interspiritual Teacher, Author, Chaplain, Spiritual Counselor-Healer

You are invited to join Arem at Love Light Fellowship on Facebook.

We are each a lovely Rose, in the Garden of Grace...

We Share One Life, We Are One Life

Faith Affirmation of Love Light Fellowship

An Interspiritual-Interfaith-Integral Life Community

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Entering the Inner Sanctuary

Enter this sanctuary time by settling down, becoming quiet, and breathing deeply a few breaths. Remind yourself you are in the Presence of Love. This place you are entering, within, is the inner Temple. Here, you are One with Spirit and all persons, and Nature. You may use a mantra, or prayer phrase, follow the breathing in-and-out, or witness the arising and falling of all around you as the manifestation of universal-Grace. Enjoy these moments of Quiet and come out when you are ready. The following video is provided, for those who would like meditative music to accompany your Quiet contemplation:

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At the deepest levels of our being, we all want to be connected, loved, and nurtured.

*Jose Luis Stevens. Praying with Power.

Due to this innate need to actualize our Connection with others, we are going to be hurt. What do we do, however, when we are deeply hurt? Recently, this happened with me, and it has been leading me to explore more how to work with energy in forgiveness. So, I am still seeking after many years of working with forgiveness, to find more powerful means to actualize this Grace of Forgiveness. I hope what I share below will help you in this process, also.

This is an Energy-Prayer for a person you feel hurt deeply by.  This is to facilitate your healing and forgiveness of the hurt, as well as opening to love the other as LOVE wills.  You are giving a gift to the other, and yourself.  Along with this Prayer, you may choose to do an act to confirm it.  This could include a letter or card, sending flowers, a phone call, ...  In some cases the other person does not welcome any such act - in that case, you can do another act alone or in company with a friend who would be a witness of your act.  Spirit can bring about a re-contact in time, and more likely if you retain goodwill and prayerfulness toward the person.  This Prayer is a sample, to be used word-by-word or to inspire you to shape such a Prayer of your own.   When you offer the flower, I recommend you be in Silence with eyes closed, and see yourself doing this for the other person.  Finally, a key in such Energy-Prayer is Feeling - let yourself "feel" the Prayer. 

Great Spirit,
I feel hurt deeply
by _______________

I am willing
to love _____________
with all my heart

I am willing to see
as You see ____________

Now, in Silence
I offer ______________
a beautiful flower

I give this flower
with my face smiling
emanating Love

Holy Spirit, teach
me through this act
of goodwill and grace
more about the power of True Love

I am willing to forgive
this hurt, and I know
____________ did not
mean to hurt me

I know we humans
hurt each other out of
our own inner pain and fear

Thank you that ___________
was in my life, and I trust Your
higher Purpose in this and all things

I trust, also, that You
will honor my choice to release
any negative thought about  _____________,
if any such thought arises in my mind

Indeed, I vow
to release it, the moment
I see that it has arisen, and
I will see ______________ only
through the eyes of Your Loving Grace

I will, also, only speak positively
about _________________

Help me
to do this

Amen! and Peace!

*Arem Nahariim-Samadhi. "An Energy-Prayer for One Who Has Hurt You Deeply."  March 14.2011.

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We have each been deeply hurt, possibly by one who did not intend the hurt. However, the hurt still hurts. Forgiveness is like to permitting the hurt to let go, or our choosing to let go of the hurt. In deep hurt, this is usually a process. Intent, however, is key to this process, and Prayer can facilitate the manifestation of the intent.

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The Sacred in me bows in respect of the Sacred in You

©Arem Nahariim-Samadhi and Love Light Ministries. 03/14/11


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Energy-Prayer and Forgiveness

©Brian Wilcox 2024